10:30am Worship Service
Kids' Sunday School meets during the worship service every Sunday (except 5th Sundays)- kids are excused right before the sermon.
Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
Sunday Morning Worship
10:30am Worship Service
Kids' Sunday School meets during the worship service every Sunday (except 5th Sundays)- kids are excused right before the sermon.
Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
Ash Wednesday and Lent 2025
The Hand of the Lord
Hands are used to heal, mend, build, teach, comfort, and so much more. Yet, as humans, our hands are sinful and unclean. Christ’s hands are the ones that can transform our dirty, sinful hands into beautiful, clean ones for His plans. Spend this Lent exploring God’s Word to see how His hands are used in both the New and Old Testaments, from creation to crucifixion and eternal life.
Ash Wednesday will begin Lent with a traditional worship service in the Sanctuary (details here). Each following Wednesday of Lent we will gather together in the Fellowship Hall for a meal at 6pm followed at 6:30pm by a special Bible Study/Worship format where we will explore The Hand of the Lord. Additionally, pick up your copy of The Hand of the Lord daily devotions for Lent and Easter in the back of church! Click here for more info.
St. Paul's Preschool & Daycare - Now Enrolling!
Get plugged into St. Paul's
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28